If you do not have an iPhone you can contact us to discuss how we can help get you one.
Customer payments are deposited directly into your bank account.
The provider sets the final price. The customer chooses which provider they want to use.
You do not have to accept any customer bids, they are all completely optional. Once you accept a bid or make a counteroffer you are obligated to providing the service if the customer chooses you.
No. You are an independent contractor that the customer hires to provide service. You are not paid nor employed by Opoli Technology Inc.
Click here to view the cancellation policy.
Customers rate the service they were provided on a scale of 1 to 5 stars. 1 being the worst and 5 being the best. Your current rating can be seen by clicking on the profile button in the top left corner then clicking on the reviews link.
No. Opoli works with pre-qualified credit cards only. Customers may choose to give you an additional cash tip.
There are currently no fees. The credit card processor will deduct a credit card processing fee from the fare before depositing it into your bank account. See details here.